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Stellate Ganglion Block

Stellate Ganglion and Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks

Stellate Ganglion Blocks and Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks are specialized procedures used to relieve chronic pain caused by the sympathetic nerves in the neck or lower back. These nerves can become overactive, causing pain to radiate down the shoulder, arm, face (stellate ganglion block) or the leg and foot (lumbar sympathetic block).

Procedure Overview

  • Stellate Ganglion Block: This procedure targets the sympathetic nerves in the neck, which can cause pain that radiates into the shoulder, arm, and face.
  • Lumbar Sympathetic Block: This procedure focuses on the sympathetic nerves in the lower back, which can result in pain radiating down the leg and into the foot.

During both procedures, a needle is precisely guided to the problem area using a fluoroscope (live X-ray). Once in place, an injection of local anesthetic or steroid is administered to block the pain signals. The procedure can take anywhere from 1 to 45 minutes, depending on the complexity and the specific condition being treated.

These blocks are highly effective in treating chronic nerve pain and can provide relief for weeks or months.

At Montgomery Pain Institute, we use advanced techniques to deliver stellate ganglion and lumbar sympathetic blocks to help patients manage chronic pain and improve their quality of life.

Stellate Ganglion Block Used For

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